Thursday, 28 December 2017

#ThrowBackThursday Montell Jordan - This Is How We Do It

Now this was what we called a party song, a club banger you name it, it was it..."This is how we do it" a  Dj favorite anyday.

Montell Jordan came, saw and conquered in a somewhat short lived stay in the music industry.

With other hit songs to his credit he made quite an impact.


#ThrowBackThursday Mark Morrison - Return Of The Mack [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO]

About ten years ago, "Return Of The Mack" was just like the national anthem; with its cool and yet groovy rhythm, backed with the sultry voice of Mark Morrison.

He ruled the airwaves i guess because of the sing along type of song, with the story telling about deception from his lady friend.

Still is a nice song to vibe to, add to your old school playlist.


Thursday, 21 December 2017

#ThrowbackThursday...The Fugees - Ready or Not

The Fugees have written their names in music history, with the global success of their debut album "The score".

 Pundits had a field day with the talks from the grapevine that lauryn was the power house of the said group. Well, what i can i say but ofcourse i agree totally.

My opinion though as a true follower of hip hop, i let you be the judge. Anyways, "Ready or Not" was one of my favorite track, and i still enjoy it today.

Evergreen sounds.


Tuesday, 19 December 2017

FUSION- GEM Ft. B (Hip hop

Fresh hiphop sound...Well laid down rhymes,smooth delivery,
lovely hooks and great instrumental.

I love their synergy a very loveable song.


Thursday, 7 December 2017

#ThrowbackThursday Craig David - Fill Me In (Official Video)


How do i start this introduction? Well ladies and gentlemen meet craig david the heart throb of every girl in the nineties, well about every girl.

Many guys wanted to sound and look like him so we learned the lyrics , kept the fros and impressed the girls.

Still fresh to listen to and interesting visuals also.This was and is good music a classic by my standards and that is high.


Wednesday, 6 December 2017


I let you tell a lie, even if I can see it in your eyes that you are far from the truth; like the journey of a thousand miles…

I let you tell a lie, because I choose to hear your lovely voice; even if the truth is disguised…

I let you tell a lie, knowing that if I confront you with the truth; it will bring tears to your eyes…

I let you tell a lie, believing that one day the truth shall set you free; only then will you realize…

I let you tell a lie…

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Runtown - Energy (Official Music Video)

Freshout! like i said earlier about this artiste Runtown, he discovered himself and a brand new sound and he tries to outdo himself with each new effort or better still maintain.

Am so into the instrumentals, thats always a first attraction for me, so you have to impress me with how you flow to it.

Big Up!

It's already growing on me...

Falz - La Fête (Official Video)


In music and arts the only thing that makes you outstanding is your creativity, and this young has got the talent.Falz always improving and experimenting...Now that's been bold without being told.

A blend of french, swahili, yoruba and! A combination that is superb and lovely, with well crafted rhymes and delivery. Catchy beats that would make you bouce along.

Still loving this song...

Sunday, 3 December 2017

ADA - I OVERCAME | The Official Video

Ada has established herself as a household name in the gospel music industry. Powerful vocals, beautiful lyrics and the usual annointing that breaks the yoke.

The sky is her stepping stone and not her limit as long as she continues to praise the almighty King of Kings.

I truly overcame.

Stay blessed.                                                                        

Monday, 27 November 2017


The heart is like a room: with a door to enter or exit. Some people stand in the door way for too long procrastinating; “Do I go in or do I stay out”? We can only accommodate the presence for a while, before we make a decision.

Do you want to come inside? Be my guest “mi casa , su casa”. Grab a seat and make yourself comfortable. Do you want a drink of  water or a cup of  tea? What kind of music do you like: Jazz, Afrobeat, Hip Hop, R n B or you like the kind that serenades?

Let me indulge you in a little stimulating, intellectual discussion. Let’s get down to brass tacks: What do you consider fun?... I would be open with you; as long as you keep it real with me, I’ll keep it hundred. You know the type right?  TITANIC: “ You jump, I jump” that kind of thing.

If you had a nice time you can sleep over or come back another day. You want to spend the weekend? It’s all good, knock yourself out. Leave a change of clothes or two or maybe three. Feel free to drop in anytime just give me a heads up, okay? You might need a key, no problems you can have the spare one.

But remember one thing and respect it: It’s my heart, my sanctuary and my rules so take good care of it. Nurture it and cherish every second, every minute and every hour spent here. It has an elastic limit, so please don’t overstretch it, because like a rubber band it will snap.

Leave it wholesome and in the condition you met it; inviting and happy so that if you ever want to leave, another person will appreciate it. Or I might be pushed to keep it under lock and key and refuse access to the other people.

Do not stand by the door way; one foot in and the other out inadvertently or not concealing the vision for the would be guest. It’s either you are in or you are out, because there are other people waiting, some patiently and others impatiently.

They are curious to know what is in the inner chambers of the heart. Willing to take the chance of the sacrifice, the adventure the uncertainty of it all.The waiting is like a veiled dress: it heightens the interest, the yearning to open Pandora’s box, the desire to eat the forbidden fruit.

There’s no 100% guarantee that you’ll find love. You can only get what you bring into the heart, it’s like your reflection in the mirror. When you smile, it smiles back at you. And when you frown, it frowns back at you.

So if your heart is filled with bitterness, resentment, pain, anger and pride you will only attract the same. You see no matter how clean a house is, if you walk into it with mud covered shoes and dusty clothes, you’ll mess up the house...



The phone barely rang when she yanked it from the charging point; she was sitting close with her eyes full of expectation.

Tears welled up in her eyes, making them look misty, but it refused to drop. Her hope, shattered like broken glass. It wasn’t his call, he hadn’t called for three days now. Not even a message or a chat…a tear escapes from her eyes as she blinked, and finds its way into her glass of  lemon water.

They had a little quarrel over the phone and she hung up on him. A move she regretted and wished she could turn back the hands of time.

The silent treatment was unbearable, agonizing, and tearful. If only she could have kept her cool a little longer. She had the upper hand; after all, he had called to apologize for what he had said earlier.

God! Please come to my rescue, my ego took the best of me, and i wanted more…uncontrollable sobs wracked her body as she held onto her phone. She had pretended to be angry: raised her voice and said some unsavory things, then hung up. Why? Why? Why!?... as she continues to sob.

And my foolish pride won’t allow me call back. I feel like dying, my chest is burning and my heart is about to explode…somebody help me.

 No, I can’t bear it anymore, I have to swallow my pride and call him. It won’t add any calories to my body. Phone in hand and her heart in her mouth, she dials his number and it rang but no answer. Oooooohh! He wants to get back at me by not picking his calls right? I would call him again. Then I would be satisfied that i made an effort. I would just hope and pray he calls back. She sobs, I miss him so much…

 She connects with the second call. And as she hears his voice, her heart skipped a beat. She felt a little excited, remorseful and a loss for words. She managed to get the words out…Hello!

A terrible screeching sound was heard, and shortly after that she heard him shout Jesus! Then an explosive sound from the impact of maybe cars or something, then all communications was lost…John! John!! John!!! She called out but got no response. 
The call was still open and time counting, but still no voice from his end.

In a state of panic induced confusion, she cut the call and broke down in tears. She got up and ran towards the exit door, hesitated and dialed again. The phone rang on but no answer. She tried five times over, there was still no response. She started hyperventilating and needed to use the bathroom…Fearing for the worst and praying inside her heart.

He picks up the car keys from the sofa, hits the light switch and locks the door absentmindedly. His mind has been clouded with thoughts of events of the last seventy-two hours. Looking unkempt; with an unshaved beard, a slacked neck t-shirt, a pair of dirty jeans and sneakers.

He has been hitting the bottle in the past few days. And was going out to replenish the bottle of  vodka. Under the influence he gunned his car right through the intersection, oblivious of the traffic light as he narrowly missed hitting a bus. But he was very high and deep in thoughts to notice what happened.

Nneka is just hard headed for no good reasons, he thought out loud. Imagine, dropping the call on me, after I had called to apologize for our verbal fight. What does she want? Three days in a row still no word from her. Why am I even worried? Oh God! Why am I even thinking of her?

No, I won’t call until she calls. I have been civil and thoughtful enough to have reached out. For once let her get of her high horse, haba! But, I miss her so much…damn! I can’t understand it. Even with her short comings she has her beautiful sides too.

His phone rings and he dips his hand into his pocket.Before he could get it out, the first call ended. His eyes lit up together with the phone screen light and he smiles, the caller was Nneka!

In his excited state, he lost his co-ordination and focus. It happened so fast, that all he could say was hello! And the next minute, J-E-S-U-S!!... Immediately after the intersection  he was trying to negotiate a turn to the right, but got distracted by the call and took his eyes of the road. 

When he looked up an SUV was coming from the right. As he attempted to step on the brakes, he stepped on the accelerator instead. His car rammed into the SUV with a heavy impact causing a domino effect with other cars. Six cars in a row were involved, with cars behind narrowly missing them by a hairs breath.

He was hanging upside down held up by the seatbelt, after the car had somersaulted a couple of times. Blood rushing to his head, he was barely conscious and slowly passing out. All he could hear was the familiar ringtone, one he had gotten used to: Jordin spark’s “No air” as the lyrics resounded in his head; “if I should die before I wake it’s cause you took my breath away”…how ironical? He knew it was Nneka calling, but he could not answer. And then, then… everything went blank.

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Patoranking - Make Am (Triplets Ghetto Kids) DANCE VERSION

I have been a fan of Patoranking eversince his "Alubarika" days to his other hit songs, i am also a big fan of the "Tripplet ghetto kids". Put both of them together and what you get is this video.

They couldn't have painted the picture of the lyrics any better.Depicting a grass to grace scenario i'm really impressed.

The choreography was crazy and interesting as always,more power to your elbow kids.God has blessed y'all really well.

Stay humble...

Flavour - Most High (feat. Semah G. Weifur) [Official Video]

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

SWV - Right Here

Brandy - I Wanna Be Down (Video)

Brandy's debut single "I wanna be down" was such a nice song they had to make a remix of it. With rave of the moment female rappers; Queen Latifah, M.C Lyte and YoYo and they killed it.

Brandy was young and had a voice to die for. The song we could relate to as teenagers growing up, we borrowed lines from the song to woo girls with it.

Visuals, production and lyrics all on point and lovely.


Sunday, 2 July 2017

ADA - JESUS ( You Are Able) | Official Video

Ada used to be a back up dancer/singer for Tosin Jegede. Does the name ring a bell?Anyways she is a pretty lady doing her own thing now. This song came after "only you Jesus" and it is gaining momentum too.

Very nice visuals and great song talking about the mighty name of Jesus again. "Creator of the universe what can't you do?" Name above every other name.

Remaing blessed!

Break Every Chain by Jesus Culture Lyrics

It is no news that there is power in the name of Jesus:To heal the sick, to raise the dead and break every chain.

When you call on the name of Jesus all things are possible, even mountains can be moved. As long as you believe that he died on the cross for our sins and our salvation.

Remain blessed!

What A Beautiful Name - Hillsong Worship

You were the Word at the beginning,one With God the Lord Most High,your hidden glory in creation, now revealed in You our Christ.This is part of the lyrics and it's powerful.
What a wonderful name it truly is, the name of Jesus Christ our saviour and lord. You can call on him and he will come to your rescue.
Remain blessed!

Thursday, 29 June 2017

Ashes to Ashes, Dust to dust

Everything seems different, better yet strange and inexplicable. Someone you have known for a better part of your life has just passed away.

How do you interpret it? How do you relate to it? Is it like he/she travelled far away and won’t come back again? Or that they are in a better place and one sweet day you’ll see them: “Never had you imagined living without their smile, assuming they will always be there.”

At first you’ll feel like dying with them or crying your heart out. You can cry a river; it feels good…but for how long? And of what use is it? In time you’ll forget or assume to forget, but you’ll forever remember.

But dying with the person is absurd, since everyone is tied to their own destiny and life expectancy. You should only be grateful to God for making you be a part of their lives well spent: The beautiful moments shared together and the trying times too.

And also, you should emulate the person’s way if good, but if bad then ask the lord to make yours a better one. For we that are fortunate to be alive are not better off and we are not more righteous, it’s just the grace of God and his infinite mercies.

So let us “make hay while the sun shines”…

Boyz II Men - End Of The Road

One of the greatest group in music history that went from boys to men like their name suggests serenading the world with hit after hit.

End Of The Road was a song that helped a lot of relationships back then, and it still has the capacity to it even now.The lyrics are powerful and it speaks to the heart that really cares.

Imagine a song viewership of over 70 million, that's some figure to reckon with.


O.P.P. - Naughty By Nature (HQ Audio)

When you say a song is or was a national anthem, O.P.P was it and then a bag of chips. Some say it has one of the best hip-hop beats ever i call it beautiful music.

When the song came out, nobody knew what the acronym stood for but yet it was a catchy hook.The dance step that came with it too was the rave and the culture was nice too.

Came from Queen latifahs' stable and the duo took hip-hop to a different dimension.


Heavy D & The Boyz - Black Coffee 1994

No rapper living or dead was as smoove as "Heavy D" the overweight lover, the big belly gorgon who can sing, rap and do dancehall effortlessly.

One time rave of the moment in the hip-hop scene with a large collection of hit songs and good music.Heavy D of blessed memory was truly blessed and word has it he wrote the chart bursting songs for 'soul 4 real" in their album.

Water bed Hev dropped "black coffee" and every dark skinned girl took to the name like white on rice.Lovely song anyday.


Shai - If I Ever Fall In Love

If  you ever fall in love, trust me make sure she is a friend.This was when artiste sang real songs about love and relationships.

Was very young then and didn't understand a thing about love.But i understood every lyric in this song and it made sense, so much that we daydreamed about the scenario playing in our head.

Believe me it made you want to fall in love and so many people experimented with it.


Soul II Soul - Back To Life

Even as a teenager growing up with so much interest in rap/hip hop, there was something about this song "Back to life". It had rhythm, had soul and the groove was there. The lyrics we did enjoy it and sang along with the chorus.

I still love and enjoy it today like it was fresh out of the yard. Music truly never dies, especially good music always eternal.


MC Hammer - U Can't Touch This

This post will not contain what i would want to write on M.C Hammer. His dance step was awesome, his fashion statement exceptional i mean you just can' touch this.

His music caused a lot of frenzy, he made so much money from endorsement deals and he picked up awards.Too bad he filed for bankruptcy later on, too many people on his entourage. He didn't invest well.


Patra - Queen of the Pack

Truly the Queen of the pack:She came, she saw and she conquered. At a time when dancehall  music was an all round male thing, she held her own and made an impact.

Patra had a short reign musically some might say she was a flash in the pan. I say different: she was talented, bold and made history.

Big up! Sisteren you na come skylark ina d park, ca murder you wrote and you not take back your chat.

With massive hits like "Romantic call"."Pull up to my bumper", "Worker man" and "Queen of the pack". She was the lick, kpooyakah!


Shabba Ranks - Ting-A-ling

He has been called ugly and many other unsavoury names. But one thing you can't take away from him is that ladies love him just the way he is.

One of the greatest dancehall artiste of our time, who tore down clubs and events back in the days. The General in the DJ army as he likes to call himself.

Ting-A-Ling was a monster hit back then:popular with the kids,ladies and gentlemen.


Friday, 23 June 2017

Phyno - If To Say (Official Video)

From the first day i heard phyno on a track by storm rex produced by him, i knew he had potentials. A lot of people didn't know him then because he didn't have a single out then. He has been behind many succesful artistes hit songs with him producing, but now he is in the spotlight.

I love the fact that he can rap both in his dialect Ibo and English it makes him stand out. And brings out something diffrent everytime, be it singing or rapping he does it well.

I love the highlife feel of this song just like most of his songs. This is a nice love song for the ladies and the guys too.Lovely visuals and simple concept shot i uganda.


Think about what you are thinking

“Our thoughts are real substance and leave their images upon our personality, they fill our aura with beauty or ugliness according to intents or purposes in life.”Each evil thought or action has its pursuing phantom, each smile or kindly deed its own angel, we leave wherever we ignobly stand, a tomb and an epitaph to haunt us through the furnace of conscience and memory.

Closely following in the wake of our multiplying evil thoughts are armies of this ghastly spectres pursuing each other with the exact intents and purposes of the mind that gave them being. If we consider well these facts, we will be forced into thinking our best thoughts all the times.

Thoughts are the subjective and creative force that produces action. Action is the objective effect of thoughts; hence the character of our daily thought is making a success or failure of our tomorrow.

Christ said: “As a man thinketh so is he”
A Hindu proverb says “Man is a creature of reflection; he becomes that upon which he reflects.”
A modern physicist says: “Our thoughts are real substance and leave their images upon our personality; they fill our aura with beauty or ugliness according to our intents or purposes in life.”

So guard your thoughts…

Saturday, 17 June 2017


“Faith!”, they say comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of God.The emphasis is on the hearing, which is a present continous tense. Suggesting we should do it regularly, more often, everyday in studying the word of  Christ.

The scripture says at all times carry faith as a shield, for with it you will be able to put out all the burning arrows shot by the enemy. Also, take the helmet of  salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God, because the word of God is sharper than any double edge sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow, it judges the thoughts and attitude of the heart.

In the beginning the word already existed, the word was with God, and the word was God. By the word of the lord were the heavens made, their starry host by the breath of his mouth.

Now that you see the connection of  having “faith” and hearing the word.The scriptures say and without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Also 

“Abraham believed God, and because of his faith God accepted him as righteous”.

And “faith” is the assured expectation of what is hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen.

Thursday, 15 June 2017

It's Alright (Send Me) - Winans Phase 2

Gospel music never sounded better. Message was on point, instrumentals lovely and super singing voices.I remember we jamming it at parties back in the days.

We need more gospel songs like this, we need to make worshiping God  and spreading his  message interesting. We need to attract the youths and still drive the message home.

I love this song.

Remain blessed! 

A drink and A lady

I liken a lady to a drink. And as a gentleman would treat a lady right, so should he his drink. There are a lot of similarities between them and how they affect your lifestyle, character, pocket and emotions.

As we have different brands of drinks, so also are the ladies who come in different shapes, sizes and temperament.

Some ladies are like the lager beer: When cool you’ll enjoy or like them, but when hot they end up giving you a headache.

Some are sweet like soda but too much of them will purge you, and still make you feel unwell.

Some have high spirits like drinks made of spirit and need to be taken slowly, else when taken in rapid gulps will get you pretty high and messed up.

There are things that don’t necessarily connect with both of them: One particularly is the fact that you can’t share your lady, but you can share your drink.

It is advisable not to leave your drinks halfway drank or unattended to for the likelihood of someone did drink from it…Hmmm! And worse still, you knowing it’s been tampered with, but by whom?

And on the other hand, your drink can be spiked or poisoned and could lead to amoral behavior that you won’t remember, like the effect of the infamous date rape drug.

Comparatively, with the lady, the drugs will represent doubt, distrust, and suspicion and could lead to amoral behavior , but this time around she will remember.

When your drink is poisoned you either die from it, or with the grace of God you survive it.

A lady’s mind when poisoned, would mean too much insecurity, assumptions, and wrongly deduced conclusions that would lead to making wrong choices and taking hasty decisions.

And this eventually will lead to consequences and repercussions and more often than not regrettable. But once again with the grace of God she will get through it, coming out stronger, wiser and graceful.

Choose your drink and your lady wisely…

Featured post

Childish Gambino - This Is America (Official Video)